2024年9月21日 星期六

How to create the Joplin server with the docker?

1. Get the docker sample configuration file. 

$wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/laurent22/joplin/dev/.env-sample
$move .env-sample .env
$vim .env

2. The example configuration will like below: 

# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# By default it will use SQLite, but that's mostly to test and evaluate the
# server. So you'll want to specify db connection settings to use Postgres.
# APP_BASE_URL=https://example.com/joplin
# APP_PORT=22300
# POSTGRES_HOST=localhost
# -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
# Example of local config, for development. In dev mode, you would usually use
# SQLite so database settings are not needed.
# APP_BASE_URL=http://localhost:22300
# APP_PORT=22300

3. If normal usage, use PRODUCTION section. 

PS:If only for debug or demo, use DEV section. 


PS. Please change the POSTGRES_PASSWORD with you want. 

4. But, even use the docker, this docker will connect to your localhost DB. So, you must manually create the DB on your localhost. 

$sudo -u postgres psql

When you entry into the PostgreSQL console, please type the below command: 


CREATE USER joplin WITH PASSWORD 'yourpassword';
ALTER ROLE joplin SET client_encoding TO 'utf8';
ALTER ROLE joplin SET default_transaction_isolation TO 'read committed';
ALTER ROLE joplin SET timezone TO 'UTC';

5. Run the docker.

$docker run --net=host --add-host=host.docker.internal: --env-file .env -p 22300:22300 joplin/server:latest

6. You can visit the local host on browser. 


7. The default login setting: 

Default username: admin@localhost 

Default password: admin 

8. You can create the bash file to easily run the docker: 

docker pull joplin/server:latest
docker stop joplin
docker rm joplin
docker run -d --restart unless-stopped --name joplin \
			  --net=host \
              --add-host=host.docker.internal: \
              --env-file .env \
              -p 22300:22300 \

9. Reference: 

(1) https://hub.docker.com/r/joplin/server 

(2) https://netivism.com.tw/blog/512 

(3) https://raw.githubusercontent.com/laurent22/joplin/dev/.env-sample

2023年8月1日 星期二

How to build the QT static version on the Windows platform?

1. Download the QT source code from the QT office website.

Download link: https://download.qt.io/archive/qt/5.15/5.15.2/single/qt-everywhere-src-5.15.2.tar.xz
NOTE: This example will use the version QT 5.15.2.

2. Unzip the source code to the local disk.

Example: "D:\qt-everywhere-src-5.15.2"

3. Install the depend tools and library.

The QT was depend some tools or library. By the QT 5.15.2, it was depend below list: 

Perl version 5.12 or later [http://www.activestate.com/activeperl/]

Python version 2.7 or later [http://www.activestate.com/activepython/]

Ruby version 1.9.3 or later [http://rubyinstaller.org/]

4. Open the VS2019 console.

NOTE: This example must need the VS2019 to build the QT source code. Please make sure your PC has installed the VS2019.

Launch the VS2016 console tool: "x64 Native Tools Command Prompt for VS 2019"

It will show some message like below:




5. Change the work folder to "D:\qt-everywhere-src-5.15.2".

$cd D:\qt-everywhere-src-5.15.2

6. Modify the source code: "qtbase\mkspecs\common\msvc-desktop.conf"








7. Use the configuration tool to initialize QT code base.

$configure.bat -static -prefix "D:\Qt_static" -confirm-license -opensource -debug-and-release -platform win32-msvc -nomake examples -nomake tests  -plugin-sql-sqlite -plugin-sql-odbc -qt-zlib -qt-libpng -qt-libjpeg -qt-freetype -qt-pcre -qt-harfbuzz -opengl desktop -mp

NOTE: This example will set the final install path is "D:\Qt_static".

8. Download the build tool: "jom".

Download link: http://download.qt.io/official_releases/jom/jom.zip

This tool supports the multiple-core to build the source code on Windows Platform.

We assume your JOM unzip path is "D:/jom_1_1_3/jom.exe".

9. Build the QT source code.

NOTE: Please remember to change the work folder to the QT source code folder, like the "step 5".

Run the JOM in the console.


10. Install the QT SDK to the local.

$nmake install

In the "step 7", we set the install path is "D:\Qt_static". After this command, it will help to install QT to this folder.

Reference: https://blog.csdn.net/zhangpeterx/article/details/105099003

2023年2月3日 星期五

Windows 10 - System Built-in MD5 Tool

certutil -hashfile <filename> <hash-mode>

certutil -?

 -dump          -- Dump configuration information or files
 -asn           -- Parse ASN.1 file
 -decodehex     -- Decode hexadecimal-encoded file
 -decode        -- Decode Base64-encoded file
 -encode        -- Encode file to Base64
 -deny          -- Deny pending request
 -resubmit      -- Resubmit pending request
 -setattributes -- Set attributes for pending request
 -setextension  -- Set extension for pending request
 -revoke        -- Revoke Certificate
 -isvalid       -- Display current certificate disposition
 -getconfig     -- Get default configuration string
 -ping          -- Ping Active Directory Certificate Services Request interface
 -pingadmin     -- Ping Active Directory Certificate Services Admin interface
 -CAInfo        -- Display CA Information
 -ca.cert       -- Retrieve the CA's certificate
 -ca.chain      -- Retrieve the CA's certificate chain
 -GetCRL        -- Get CRL
 -CRL           -- Publish new CRLs [or delta CRLs only]
 -shutdown      -- Shutdown Active Directory Certificate Services
 -installCert   -- Install Certification Authority certificate
 -renewCert     -- Renew Certification Authority certificate
 -schema        -- Dump Certificate Schema
 -view          -- Dump Certificate View
 -db            -- Dump Raw Database
 -deleterow     -- Delete server database row
 -backup        -- Backup Active Directory Certificate Services
 -backupDB      -- Backup Active Directory Certificate Services database
 -backupKey     -- Backup Active Directory Certificate Services certificate
                   and private key
 -restore       -- Restore Active Directory Certificate Services
 -restoreDB     -- Restore Active Directory Certificate Services database
 -restoreKey    -- Restore Active Directory Certificate Services certificate
                   and private key
 -importPFX     -- Import certificate and private key
 -dynamicfilelist -- Display dynamic file List
 -databaselocations -- Display database locations
 -hashfile      -- Generate and display cryptographic hash over a file
 -store         -- Dump certificate store
 -addstore      -- Add certificate to store
 -delstore      -- Delete certificate from store
 -verifystore   -- Verify certificate in store
 -repairstore   -- Repair key association or update certificate properties or
                   key security descriptor
 -viewstore     -- Dump certificate store
 -viewdelstore  -- Delete certificate from store
 -dsPublish     -- Publish certificate or CRL to Active Directory
 -ADTemplate    -- Display AD templates
 -Template      -- Display Enrollment Policy templates
 -TemplateCAs   -- Display CAs for template
 -CATemplates   -- Display templates for CA
 -enrollmentServerURL -- Display, add or delete enrollment server URLs associated
                   with a CA
 -ADCA          -- Display AD CAs
 -CA            -- Display Enrollment Policy CAs
 -Policy        -- Display Enrollment Policy
 -PolicyCache   -- Display or delete Enrollment Policy Cache entries
 -CredStore     -- Display, add or delete Credential Store entries
 -InstallDefaultTemplates -- Install default certificate templates
 -URLCache      -- Display or delete URL cache entries
 -pulse         -- Pulse autoenrollment events
 -MachineInfo   -- Display Active Directory machine object information
 -DCInfo        -- Display domain controller information
 -EntInfo       -- Display enterprise information
 -TCAInfo       -- Display CA information
 -SCInfo        -- Display smart card information
 -SCRoots       -- Manage smart card root certificates
 -verifykeys    -- Verify public/private key set
 -verify        -- Verify certificate, CRL or chain
 -sign          -- Re-sign CRL or certificate
 -vroot         -- Create/delete web virtual roots and file shares
 -vocsproot     -- Create/delete web virtual roots for OCSP web proxy
 -addEnrollmentServer -- Add an Enrollment Server application
 -deleteEnrollmentServer -- Delete an Enrollment Server application
 -oid           -- Display ObjectId or set display name
 -error         -- Display error code message text
 -getreg        -- Display registry value
 -setreg        -- Set registry value
 -delreg        -- Delete registry value
 -ImportKMS     -- Import user keys and certificates into server database for key
 -ImportCert    -- Import a certificate file into the database
 -GetKey        -- Retrieve archived private key recovery blob
 -RecoverKey    -- Recover archived private key
 -MergePFX      -- Merge PFX files
 -ConvertEPF    -- Convert PFX files to EPF file
 -?             -- Display this usage message

CertUtil -?          -- Display a verb list (command list)
CertUtil -dump -?    -- Display help text for the "dump" verb
CertUtil -v -?       -- Display all help text for all verbs

CertUtil: -? command completed successfully.

2017年6月20日 星期二

Linux - How to find the GPIO usage status ?

$cat /sys/kernel/debug/gpio

GPIOs 576-607, platform/qcom,smp2pgpio-ssr-smp2p-4-out.19, master-kernel:

GPIOs 608-639, platform/qcom,smp2pgpio-ssr-smp2p-4-in.18, slave-kernel:

GPIOs 640-671, platform/qcom,smp2pgpio-ssr-smp2p-1-out.13, master-kernel:

GPIOs 672-703, platform/qcom,smp2pgpio-ssr-smp2p-1-in.12, slave-kernel:

GPIOs 704-735, platform/qcom,smp2pgpio-smp2p-4-out.16, smp2p:

GPIOs 736-767, platform/qcom,smp2pgpio-smp2p-4-in.14, smp2p:

GPIOs 768-799, platform/qcom,smp2pgpio-smp2p-1-out.10, smp2p:

GPIOs 800-831, platform/qcom,smp2pgpio-smp2p-1-in.8, smp2p:

GPIOs 832-863, platform/qcom,smp2pgpio-smp2p-7-out.6, smp2p:

GPIOs 864-895, platform/qcom,smp2pgpio-smp2p-7-in.4, smp2p:

GPIOs 896-899, spmi/qpnp-pin-ffffffc03161cc00, pm8916-gpio:
 gpio-896 (qcom,hub-reset-gpio ) out hi
 gpio-897 (qcom,sw-sel-gpio    ) in  lo

GPIOs 900-901, spmi/qpnp-pin-ffffffc03161c800, pm8916-mpp:

GPIOs 902-1023, platform/1000000.pinctrl, msm_tlmm_gpio:
 gpio-922 (adv7533_hpd_irq_gpio) in  lo
 gpio-923 (led1                ) out lo
 gpio-927 (disp_rst_n          ) in  lo
 gpio-933 (adv7533_irq_gpio    ) in  lo
 gpio-934 (adv7533_switch_gpio ) out lo
 gpio-940 (7864900.sdhci cd    ) in  hi
 gpio-1009 (volume_up           ) in  hi
 gpio-1012 (USB_ID_GPIO         ) in  hi
 gpio-1022 (led2                ) out lo

reference : https://stackoverflow.com/questions/16033748/how-do-can-i-find-out-which-linux-driver-is-hogging-my-gpio

2016年8月29日 星期一

Gitlab - 如何解決 "No authentication methods configured on login page" ? (gitlab version : 8.11.2)

1. 安裝 postgresql-client-common & postgresql-client

$sudo apt-get install postgresql-client postgresql-client-common

2. 連線資料庫

$sudo gitlab-psql gitlabhq_production

PS. 可以用 sudo gitlab-psql -l 查看資料庫列表

3. 進入 client 界面後輸入:

UPDATE application_settings set signin_enabled=true;
4. 重新啟動 gitlab

$sudo gitlab-ctl restart

2016年8月17日 星期三

Spotify - 解決 ubuntu 16.04 下無法播放本機檔案問題

1. Download Spotify Library

$wget https://github.com/ramedeiros/spotify_libraries/archive/master.zip


$git clone https://github.com/ramedeiros/spotify_libraries.git

2. Copy files to lib folder.

$cd spotify_libraries
$sudo cp lib* /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/

3. link library

$sudo ldconfig
$sudo ln -frs /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libavutil.so.52.6.100 /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libavutil.so.52
$sudo ln -frs /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libavformat.so.54.36.100 /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libavformat.so.54
$sudo ln -frs /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libavcodec.so.54.71.100 /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libavcodec.so.54

Reference :
1. https://community.spotify.com/t5/Desktop-Linux-Windows-Web-Player/Linux-Local-files-do-not-play-on-Ubuntu-16-04-SOLVED/td-p/1343831
2. https://github.com/ramedeiros/spotify_libraries

2016年5月26日 星期四

MPLABX - 如何解決 MPLABX 在 Linux 版本下 editor 字體模糊問題?

1. 找到 MPLABX 安裝路徑,以 v3.15 在 ubuntu 16.04 為例:

$cd /opt/microchip/mplabx/v3.15/

2. 找到 ide 安裝路徑並且編輯設定檔

$sudo vim mplab_ide/etc/mplab_ide.conf

3. 修改設定值

default_options="-J-Dcrownking.stream.verbosity=very-quiet -J-Xss2m -J-Xms256m -J-XX:PermSize=128m -J-XX:MaxPermSize=384m -J-Dapple.awt.graphics.UseQuartz=true -J-XX:+CMSClassUnloadingEnabled -J-Dapt.limit.expanded.params=1000 -J-Dplugin.manager.check.interval=EVERY_DAY"


default_options="-J-Dcrownking.stream.verbosity=very-quiet -J-Xss2m -J-Xms256m -J-XX:PermSize=128m -J-XX:MaxPermSize=384m -J-Dapple.awt.graphics.UseQuartz=true -J-XX:+CMSClassUnloadingEnabled -J-Dapt.limit.expanded.params=1000 -J-Dplugin.manager.check.interval=EVERY_DAY -J-Dawt.useSystemAAFontSettings=on"

4. 重開 MPLABX